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Vision, Values and Ethos


Together we will provide a transformational education and rich opportunities which will enable our pupils to seize their potential as lifelong learners.




What does this look like every day?


Manage challenges and recover from difficulties

- When I face challenges, I try to tackle it in different ways. 

- If I fail, I think through why I failed and make a plan to increase my chances of being successful next time.  


Free from outside pressure

- I do and say the right thing. 

- I work alone successfully, for example, I can self quiz and study using my knowledge organisers. 


Using imagination to create something

- I use my imagination to create names of characters, I give them distinct features and personalities and my word choice reflects this. 


 Think things through

- If I upset somebody, I think it though, then find the person so that I can apologise. 

- When I need help, I ask for it. 


A desire to achieve success

- I believe that I can achieve remarkable things, and I have a plan of how to get there. 


Work together

- I work well with my talk partner. 

- I use habits of discussion to agree, disagree and build on the ideas being discussed in class.