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Keeping Children Safe in Education

At Roxbourne Primary School we are fully committed to meeting our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people in our care. We recognise the important part we have to play in identifying children and young people at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation and in securing appropriate support for them and their families. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found on our Policies and Reports page here. This includes all the recent updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Team

Our School Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr McCloskey (Assistant Headteacher).


Safer Recruitment

The safer recruitment of staff in schools is the first step to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children in education. Roxbourne Primary School is committed to this aim and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Our Safer Recruitment Policy can be found on our Policies and Reports page here.

Early Help and Support 

Harrow's Family Hub Network offers a range of Early Support services in the community for pupils and parents. They provide information, advice and workshops on a range of areas such as mental health, parenting support, domestic violence and English as a second language. 


Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. Promoting our school values alongside the British values is one way we as a school enable pupils to become positive, respectful members of society- whilst contributing to the Prevent strategy.

All staff receive regular training in Prevent as part of Safeguarding procedures.

External Organisations

If you wish to find out more about keeping children safe, please see below the websites of organisations with more information: 

NSPCC  (Child safety and welfare)

Barnardos  (Child safety and welfare)

CEOP  (Child exploitation and Online Safety)

Harrow Safeguarding Children's Board   (General advice)