Our school aims to inspire all pupils to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Through good physical education and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture resilience, independence, creativity, reflectivity, to be aspirational and collaborate with others.
Curriculum Design: How our curriculum is constructed and why?
Our PE lessons are planned using the Get Set 4 PE platform which is aligned with the National Curriculum objectives and our core values as a school. PE units of work are planned so that they build upon pupils' prior learning. The planned progressions that are embedded in the units of work allow the pupils to develop their ability, knowledge and understanding, so that they are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. Additionally, our inclusive curriculum is planned to allow all pupils the opportunities to engage fully with Physical Education. This includes their physical development, with the curriculum designed to support the development of all pupils' social, emotional and cognitive behaviours. Through the design of our curriculum, we believe that we can build the foundations for pupils to develop a passion for sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. We listen to our pupils' and community's wants and needs, to provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs. We want to aid our pupils in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrate their own successes. We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all pupils to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond. We strive to educate both our pupils and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices.
Curriculum Delivery: What our curriculum looks and feels like in action?
At Roxbourne, we value the importance of PE and two hours of PE is timetabled on a weekly basis. The delivery of these lessons are carried out by qualified specialists. The delivery promotes participation, skill progression and improved performance through quality first teaching.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, our units focus on the delivery of fundamental movement skills (FMS), which give all pupils a secure ability when moving on up through the school. We believe in giving all pupils the opportunity to practice and refine these skills through the use of feedback and addressing misconceptions.
In Key Stage 2, pupils focus on a variety of games which include team invasion, over the net, athletics and striking and fielding. In addition to games, pupils also participate in outdoor adventurous activities (OAA), gymnastics, dance and swimming. At the end of each unit, pupils are provided with the opportunity to participate in an inter-house competition. At Roxbourne, we offer a large variety of extracurricular clubs that are aligned with our curriculum, allowing pupils to participate in activities they have enjoyed in PE in a recreational setting, which allows them to develop their skills and passion further.
Impact: How do we know our pupils are learning, understanding and remembering our intended curriculum?
For each unit there is a learning objective and success criteria for each lessons. The PE specialist will use this when visually assessing each pupil and then address any misconceptions. Additionally, each lesson has star words in relation to the learning objective and success criteria and revisited to understand the retention of these words and their definitions. Our summative assessment is split into two parts. The first assessment is whether a pupil can perform the skill in relation to the learning objective and then the second part analyses whether a pupil can explain how to perform the certain skill. Furthermore, a success criteria is set out for the assessment social, emotional and cognitive skills to support the development of the whole pupil and to promote inclusiveness. Finally, within all units there are opportunities for peer assessment to demonstrate each pupil's understanding.
Enrichment in Physical Education
We understand that there is a national push to try and incentivise pupils to engage in more physical activity outside of school. Therefore, we offer a vast range of extra-curricular clubs that take place after school. As part of this, we use pupil voice to support the selection of clubs that take place and provide a range of clubs that can be accessible from EYFS to Year 6. Within this setup, we include clubs that are focused on sports that we aim to challenge against other schools within local, regional and national competitions. In addition to the competition we also attend festivals for all key stages to promote inclusiveness and participation for all. Finally, we are building strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community to ensure pupils can access further opportunities in sport outside of the curriculum. In addition to these competitions, we also attend festivals for all key stages to promote inclusiveness and participation for all.
You can find out more about our club programme here.
Where participation is low, and to target key demographics, we provide specific clubs and organised activities at lunchtime to provide an inclusive approach across the curriculum. The lunchtime programme includes sports like table-tennis, football, basketball, table football and netball.
We are fortunate to live on the outskirts of London, which is home to some of the world's most iconic sporting venues. Therefore, we will passionately that are pupils should have opportunities to visit these venues and, where possible, attend competitive fixtures. The venues that are included in our enrichment programme are:
- Webley Stadium
- Twickenham Stadium
- Lords Cricket Ground
- Wimbledon Tennis Club
You can find more about our PE enrichment programme here.