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For all of our pupils to develop strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. We aim to equip our pupils with these strategies through our adopted Jigsaw curriculum, allowing pupils to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Curriculum Design: How our curriculum is constructed and why?

At Roxbourne, we’ve embraced the Jigsaw curriculum to nurture each pupil’s individuality, promote positivity and install mindfulness. Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on personal, social and health education, integral to our educational framework. It equips pupils with knowledge, skills and insights needed to lead confident, healthy and independent lives, while also fostering a sense of responsibility and active engagement. Our dedicated staff members are committed to guiding pupils in discerning right from wrong and taking ownership of their actions, social, health and education. Jigsaw provides a comprehensible Primary PSHE Program, encompassing mandated instructions in Relationships and Health Education. The program follows a well-structured, progressive approach, ensuring that pupils engage in relevant learning experiences that empower them to navigate their environment and cultivate positive connections with both themselves and others. The Jigsaw Curriculum covers all areas of the primary phase and provides a learning programme for each of the six puzzles (units) that are taught across the year at the same time (the learning deepens and broadens every year. The units are: 

  • HT1: Being Me in My World
  • HT2: Celebrating Difference
  • HT3: Dreams and Goals
  • HT4: Healthy Me
  • HT5: Relationships
  • HT6: Changing Me

The lessons from within these units are reinforced and enhanced through: celebration assemblies, the Learning Charter, developing professional relationships with pupils, worrybox discussions and pastoral mentoring. We aim to 'live' what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations in the school community. 

Our approach to teaching Relationships Education is based on The DfE ‘Relationship Education Guidance’ (2020) which recommends that primary schools should 'put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy’. The Roxbourne RSE policy can be found here

Curriculum Delivery: What our curriculum looks and feels like in action?

The Jigsaw programme offers a comprehensive, carefully thought out scheme of work which brings consistency and progression to our pupils' learning in this vital curriculum area and is taught weekly by the class teacher. 

Each lesson is designed to provide the pupils with an opportunity to reflect on key themes. This is done through the use of a rigorous structure provided by Jigsaw. Each PSHE lesson will encompass these eight parts: 

  • Jigsaw Charter: the pupils visit this at the start of each lesson to remind them of the key principles to uphold when engaging in PSHE
  • Connect Us: A social game where the pupils take opportunities to engage and collaborate in relation to their emotions
  • Calm Me: this teaches our pupils to understand their thoughts and feelings through the Calm Me time exercises (using the Jigsaw chime), helping to develop their awareness, and their capacity to be mindful human beings. 
  • Learning Intentions: each lesson is carefully planned in guidance of the lesson's learning intentions. This has a positive impact on our pupils' learning for when they reach the end of their session and it is time for them to reflect while referring back to their learning intentions.
  • Open My Mind: links to the learning intention by breaking down the steps to success so pupils know what is significant to achieve the learning intention. 
  • Tell Me or Show Me: the teacher introduces new information, concepts and skills to support pupils in their thinking. 
  • Let Me Learn: pupils manipulate use and play the new information in the lesson.
  • Help Me Reflect: a time for pupils to actively reflect on social stories and consolidate and apply their new learning. 

Impact: How do we know our pupils are learning, understanding and remembering our intended curriculum?

Within lessons, the class teacher will use a range of formative assessment techniques to assess pupils' emotional literacy and how they are developing their resilience and physical health. Teachers will also use carefully targetted questioning and will guide pupils to openly talk about specific subjects linked to their learning intentions. Through this process, they utilise formative assessment techniques like over the shoulder marking and observation. Each PSHE lesson is set with clear learning intentions which are colour coded. The colour coded approach allows the pupils to identify which is the PSHE learning intention and which is the social and emotional development learning intention.

For summative assessment, teachers construct a portfolio of evidence against the key learning intentions for the PSHE and the social and emotional development objectives. Over the academic year, the teachers will provide opportunities for all pupils to contribute to the portfolio so that their progress is documented. This portfolio will be passed on across the year groups from EYFS - Year 6 so that teachers can understand prior learning and assess progress over time. Alongside this assessment, teachers will regularly inform the pastoral manager if they notice a change in a pupils' social and emotional well-being that may appear during parts of a PSHE lesson or within the worry boxes. 

Enrichment in PSHE

Our planned drop-down days are meticulously designed to offer children enriching experiences, spanning from charitable fund-raising initiatives to fostering an understanding of the significance of children's mental well-being. Each drop-down day serves a distinct purpose and leaves a meaningful impression on both the children and individuals in our local community who rely on various charities for support in their daily lives. These occasions include Anti-Bullying week, Children in Need, Red Nose Day and Macmilian coffee mornings. Through our wider community, we utilize specialist professions like Metropolitan Police and NHS Dentists to deliver specific and relevant workshops to our pupils such as the Year 6 Junior Citizens trip which prepares them for secondary school.